Construction Materials

  1. Emtek
  2. Construction Materials
  3. StreetScape & Paving Materials

Construction and Paving Materials Suppliers

Our range of premium materials (1) help you bed & prime better (2) grout your joints faster and (3) bond your vertical stone cladding, stronger!


Providing high quality StreetScape materials to lock in your paving project

We help you bed and prime better

We help you grout your joints faster

We help your vertical stone and recessed cover slabs stick


We are a leading supplier of paving construction materials across Ireland. As part of our commitment to our clients we provide regular technical training and materials awareness sessions on the best mix, application and use of our high performance products.


Our materials support team work throughout Ulster, Leinster, Connaught and Munster, supporting contractors, designers, local authorities and specialist paving merchants, to help ensure the optimum use of the materials on what are often premium level, time critical projects. Our range includes BS 7533 compliant bedding material Eco-Bed and Pro-Bed HS, Primer Pro-Prime and slurry grout Flowpoint Grout.

Would you like to see these materials in action? Arrange your FREE demo today

We provide product training on the best mix & application of our materials to clients across Ireland every week. Book your Demo today and we’ll help you build better, faster, stronger!