Want to Create a Safer Workplace? 

  1. Emtek
  2. Safety Barriers
  3. Workplace Safety
  4. Want to Create a Safer Workplace?

3 Ways to Create a Safer Workplace

There is an ever increasing requirement to safely protect your people, buildings and equipment. We understand that selecting the correct and most effective methods can be tricky. With the introduction of PAS 13, we can help you develop and create a safer workplace.

1. Protect Your People

Our Railings and Barriers offer physical protection between people and workplace vehicles, such as fork lift trucks.


2. Protect Your Buildings

We provide robust protection to machines, equipment and physical building infrastructure, with our Bollards and Barriers being engineered to withstand high impact strikes.


3. Protect Your Equipment

Our Equipment and Racking solutions help protect the physical structure but also help mitigate against the overall cost of damage to machinery and stock resulting from potential impacts.


Would you like to create a safer workplace? Arrange a FREE site visit today and we’ll show you how.

We provide FREE site surveys to fully understand your requirements and then we explore and explain to optimal solution. We’re with you every step of the way toward protecting people, building, equipment.